freeverse poem
Today marks the day, you came to be
years down the road, you fell in love with me
Beauty of ages and a soul to match
love like yours was a bounti..
They say that stars determine fate
determine love, determine hate
among the tales that stars entale
a doomed love, is what I regale
I watch the ..
Collapse in denial
and fake that smile
Collapse in tears
throughout the years
Collapse in solitude
nightmares intrude
Collapse and shout
What have I done?
What have I become?
A former shell of myself
I put my soul on the shelf
and became this
The space between the tears
make roo..
Under the hot light of the theatre stage is the one place you can act differently than you normally are, you forget who you are and you become someone..
My fingers stained from my nicotine
I smoke three, four packs a day
it doesnt matter what you say
No smoking sections, I'll start a scene
(we open on a guy driving down a dirt road, its very bumpy and the camera shakes as he drives, he pulls into a driveway and stops suddenly, he steps o..
Woe to thee that dons the title of my enemy
Woe to me for complying with every sin I see
Woe to the child that lives in a personal he..
He was just 13 when they met in science class, he had just discovered himself for the time being, a whacked out juggalo who found humor in everything,..