Twilight : Writing



A Story by Twilight

The Xtorians had been studying the human species for quite some time. Information had been gathered from a variety of sources over the years. The..
The Portrait

The Portrait

A Poem by Twilight

On purpose, I kept an old-fashioned kind of feel for this poem. It is about a man's yearning for his lover, after she has departed from this realm. Pe..
My Rain

My Rain

A Poem by Twilight

In this poem, I hope to have captured the purity and redeeming qualities which we tend to associate with rain and the ocean waves. Perhaps also, I hav..
Life's Bitter Requiem

Life\'s Bitter Requiem

A Poem by Twilight

This poem tells of the inevitability of death. It also refers to the sanctuary of your first love (at the end of verse five). I also suggested that pe..
The Island Of Emeralds

The Island Of Emeralds

A Story by Twilight

This story falls within the fantasy or "weird fiction" genre. Also, it includes some moments of horror, along with an archaic kind of atmosphere which..


A Story by Twilight

This short story is set in outer space. Not at any specific point in time. The inspiration for this piece seemed to come out of nowhere! It took about..
Giallo Style

Giallo Style

A Story by Twilight

This story is certainly one which might be of interest to younger age groups. It is shorter than I originally intended, to be honest. On the otherhand..
Lady Liberty Please Find Me, In The Bosm of Thy Youth

Lady Liberty Please Find Me, In The Bosm of Thy Yo..

A Poem by Twilight

A poem which tells of the growing cynicism of life which can develop as we grow older. How pointless our lives can sometimes feel. Also, it attempts t..
Cayman Seeks His Destiny

Cayman Seeks His Destiny

A Story by Twilight

This piece of writing is a continuation of another story which I wrote some years ago. It has the vampire theme, with a character called "Cayman" bein..
Cayman The Vampire (aka Vengeance of the Vampires)

Cayman The Vampire (aka Vengeance of the Vampires)

A Story by Twilight

This is a straightforward vampire story. When someone read a harcopy version of it some time ago, that person pointed out that it was quite a "gothic"..

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