tuesday nobody

tuesday nobody


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Albuquerque, NM
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

One day an outgoing introvert was born into the world. She soon turned into an optimistic pessimist with a sarcastic sense of humor, and, above all, a love for words. This evolved into more than that, though she believed that "obsession" was a relative term. The pen relieved the pressure of too many ideas squashed into her head, so her daydreaming began to grow pages and titles. Born as a tree-hugging city kid, she'd love nothing more than to find another ball of contradictions like herself. She's the girl you see with the faded jeans and dirty, doodlesque Converse, most likely caught singing songs she doesn't know the lyrics to. Rationality is overrated in her mind, which is the excuse she uses when deciding she will drive the full length of the autobahn in a hippie bus named Nodar when she has enough money (and when she can drive). She loves words so much that she has a habit of making up her own in case she can't find the one she's looking for; words like doodlesque.

"The free-lance writer is the person who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps."
- Robert Benchley

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