WritersEscape03 : Writing

The Beautiful Devil

The Beautiful Devil

A Poem by WritersEscape03

3-29-15 Sometimes the most evil people hide themselves in the kindest people


A Poem by WritersEscape03

5-2-16 Trust is key to love
I miss you

I miss you

A Poem by WritersEscape03

6-17-15 Sometimes you must let go to the ones you love
Battles at Night

Battles at Night

A Poem by WritersEscape03

6-6-15 Saddness will end. Happiness with come soon enough
The Broken Girl

The Broken Girl

A Poem by WritersEscape03

5-4-15 Pain is life's test
Fake Smile

Fake Smile

A Poem by WritersEscape03

5-2-15 Being sad is okay. It's a human emotion. But don't let the one emotion run your life.


A Poem by WritersEscape03

5-2-15 Separate the good from the bad.
Escape & Embrace

Escape & Embrace

A Poem by WritersEscape03

5-2-15 Escape the unhappiness in your life and Embrace the good things life brings.


A Poem by WritersEscape03

6-17-15 You cannot enjoy life when you live in the past. What the future holds is unknown but you will never know if it is good or bad if you are le..


A Poem by WritersEscape03

5-2-15 This poem is about being physically attracted to someone and how one person can impact your life and make you happier than you have ever been.