A Poem by Eden
She keeps comparing thosefeelings to those eyes withfeelers like dandelions thatbright these damn daysright.on.up.And all the choices in theworld coul..
A Poem by Eden
I hate the sound ofcrashing plates,crashing people,crashing lives.My sisters’ voices, echoing through the hallsI think I'm done here.I can't sta..
A Poem by Eden
You died, I remember,and it's been years ormore, I'm not sure,if I've been mourningfor you and Jane andOlivia or for my self and my life.When one dies..
A Poem by Eden
I felt guiltythat thursday in october.Knowing your souls diedlong before I ever unveiledyour ribcage(d) curtains.Long before the dirt said"good mornin..
A Poem by Eden
She killed herself.Some call it bravery.Some say if you lovesomething you let it go.Sadness, secrets, it'sall the same if it holdsyour tongue and your..
A Poem by Eden
I think she's dying,with cells that arejust too hungry.Or maybe she can'trepair her emptyfast enough tomake it stopeating heralive.I don't ask,and I d..
A Poem by Eden
I’m growing thin,translucent even,because I don’thave his gift.He is sewed up, tied up,confined up tight, perfectlyassembled in his russet..
A Poem by Eden
The blocked numbers.
The changes in mine.
Your deaths,
and my demise.
I'm positive
that this was
meant for the
likes of me.
A long lost body
A Poem by Eden
she hisses
like a hollowed out
with the pain
of all the ages
upon her garnet heart
the hands of an ecru soul
clasping, cl..
A Poem by Eden
Dressing up as
barbie dolls.
Moist lips,
chapped hearts.
Just like
walking cancers
of wasted life.
Crooked, cracked