Just who are we truly behind the masks that each of us wear? Is there a true self? What are the four stages?
A philosophic take on life
One century ago today the RMS Titanic was launched after three years of construction. Today we celebrate and remember one of history's greatest works ..
At night I watch,as stars go by,the secrets of the sky;that revealeth themselves,unto my eyes,behold the magicof the second sky!
There is always that sense of brevity in everything we see with our eyes. The only thing that comes close to lasting forever is, history, our manners ..
I fear no songwill ever re-capture
the beauty of that dream like face;
norart or sciencecould everconspire,
to re-construct such charm;and grace.
Pierre Auguste Renoir (25th February 1841, - 3rd December 1919)
I penned a poem from the sky;
romanced the lilac scented clouds,
watched on as their eyes did cry,
down to the dry crowds.
Cold - was the greed of December
when slipped she; onto me a kiss,
worthy the need to remember
heed! the pages of history's bliss.
Beautifully c..