Tiffany Lord

Tiffany Lord


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About Me

I was born November 28, 1991. My mother was in labour with me for nearly two weeks.
Ever since I could pick up a pencil and just scribble, I've wanted to be a writer. When I was in the third grade, I decided that no matter what I would have at least on work of writing published by my 18th birthday.
I'm in the 9th grade and am attending public High School in Florida. I'm the manager of my school girl's varsity soccer team. Next year, I'm hoping to at least play for the JV team.
I have one sister and two brothers, all younger than I am. I live with my mom and my step-dad in a three bedroom apartment, with our two conours and green-gold macaw.
I'm currently working on three short stories, two poems, and a novel. I've begun to look into magazines for publishing one of my short stories, Fear. I'm on chapter five of my novel, which I am writing by hand, before typing it.
Me and by best friend, Naomi, are critiqing each other's work as we go, both hoping to be published soon.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

the road is long, the road is hard, but it is kind to those with passion for their work. you'll make it.

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Posted 18 Years Ago