The iPhone is my favorite piece of technology of all
It makes life so simple
While also acting as a device that makes a phone call
So small y..
How I Love Skinny Jeans, Let Me Count
the Ways:
I love how you make my legs look so straight and lean
With no exceptions in between
I lo..
this is for girls ONLY!!
15-year-old Annabel Herkimer's life couldn't get any worse: until her obnoxious cousin moves in, due to their house burning down.
I pedaled as fast as I could as the air whizzed past my ears. It was my evening routine: ride by across the bridge, go past the Guilford's b..
Beep, beep, beep, beep...
"All right, I'm coming, hold on a minute," I muttered in my sleep. I rolled over to the sound of my alarm clock...
I couldn't have been more embarrassed or angry in my entire fifteen years of living. Plenty of embarrassing thingshave happened to me at s..
I remember the day very well. It was Saturday morning. I strolled down the stairs for breakfast after I had slept in past twelve. It was a ..
When I saw Maggie and my uncle riding up the lane into our neighborhood, I ducked back into the doorway of the front door. I hadn't seen th..
I could tell that the next few months were going to be dull. Maggie wanted me to take her for a tour of our town. Jack and I showed her the ..