Emily Rain

Emily Rain


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Burnside, KY
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me


My name is emily and I am 17 years old and I live in Burnside kentucky. And go to SCC. I began writing when I was about 8. The frist thing I wrote was poetry. That's what i write more than anything. But I also have just writtten things here and there. nothing real big. I would like to start writing more. I have lot's of Ideas but never write them down. But I should. So maybe getting on here will help me some. Who knows ?


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanx for checking up on me. Glad you got something out of my rant, and it's good to know that people actually read these things. I'll be sure to return the favor, soon.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I don't think I'll be posting stories, just ideas for stories (and no, I'm not afraid of anyone stealing them... if they can write my ideas better than I can - more power to 'em). ; )

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hello Em,
Good to hear from ya. Mic still hasn't noticed that I'm on here, yet. But I guess he's got limited internet time, so I s'pose I'll have to forgive him 4 that. I'll be back to read some of your stuff. I don't have anything yet, but I will soon.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hey there, hon. I hope you write a happy poem soon! As for me, my last poem was a bit... erm... yeah....

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Posted 18 Years Ago

your so amazing at writing..and belive it or not..i kind of relate..not as much as you..but i still kind of relate...idk.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

GASP! You're online! Well, actually, I've got to go now. Lol. I'll be back at 2:00, but chances are you'll be gone. AW MAN. Oh well. I sent you a letter, which I'm sure you got. Hope I read your reply when I get back. Just leave me a comment or whatever on when you might be back!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Happy V day, dear!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

HAHA, he's not my friend, per sei. Well, he is, but he's my brother Joel, lol.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

;) Welcome, dear heart. I'm feeling rather depressed today, lol, but I will be on until 5, and then again at 6, so feel free to write any time.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

welcome welcome :)

and, yes... getting on here will help you, potentially more than you know. it has inspired me more than i could every say

