Dieses Gedicht handelt vom Desaster in Haiti.
Dieses Lied handelt vom Gefühl und seiner Macht über uns.
A fun poem I wrote.
“Put down the camera,
Throw it away,
The good pictures are gone,
The bad ones are here to stay,
No more color pictures,
A English poem I wrote after writing a similar one in German, with the rhyming style inspired by listening to Eminem.
It is more of a song than a p..
An old German cartoon with my narration.
I wrote this poem wishing for a snowday. And there was no snowday, but snowdays to be had!
I was in a car accident, after which I wrote this poem about it in German. In fact this was the first poem I ever wrote in German.
Der Wahnsinn der Langeweile
„In der Langeweile weggeschlossen,
Von dem Wahnsinn hart gestoßen,
Ich wurde tief getroffen,
This poem questions Germany's involvement in the Iraq war.
Dieses Gedicht hier nimmt die Friedensunterhaltung Deutschlands im Iraken Krieg dran.