C Peril : Writing

Retrospective Realities

Retrospective Realities

A Poem by C Peril

Smooth waters couldn't sit sharperas I stare off in the direction of someelusive future, never to actualizeKnow the echo in the cave thatcreates the t..


A Story by C Peril

The first time I saw her figure levitating over the lifeless bog I thought I'd entered a dream. The pale morning mists coiled around the black, crook..
Place of Birth

Place of Birth

A Poem by C Peril

Your place of birthBy the mouth of a mighty, grey riverMeandering on and outForeverTides till the solemnfields, feeding and frothingNever stoppingNo o..
Green Eyes

Green Eyes

A Story by C Peril

It's in the green depths of his eyes; you can discern his affable, trustworthy nature, immediately. There is a small collection of people gathered ar..
A House; A Home

A House; A Home

A Story by C Peril

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A Poem by C Peril

For Alyssa
The Suicide Hotel (Addendum)

The Suicide Hotel (Addendum)

A Story by C Peril

Sleep, begrudgingly, is giving way to consciousness. There is a struggle in my aching head. I want to keep my eyes closed, let the world work, tick, ..
Suicide Hotel

Suicide Hotel

A Story by C Peril

And I'm driving through this autumnal scene with red, orange, yellow leaves clinging to the branches of the trees, which envelope the road. And I'm h..
The Beauty and the Bar (III)

The Beauty and the Bar (III)

A Story by C Peril

He hated the way that some of the older patrons would leer over her. It filled him with a peculiar type of anger when he saw their glances, eyes full ..
The Beauty and the Bar (II)

The Beauty and the Bar (II)

A Story by C Peril

What Mila didn't know is that, only four years ago, Jason was a man of some significance. He had been quite a prominent lawyer, aiding in a key trial ..