(The writing is nearly incomprehensible, though not much else would hinder the ability to read the notes inside the notebook. The author was apparentl..
(The entries and chapters of this diary seemed to be all kept within a single book. Some pages are singed, torn or bloodied, but the book seems mostly..
(This parchment was found in the Weald, blood crusted all over it. Luckily enough, it is still mostly readable, though the paper seems torn at the bot..
(This notepad was found, seemingly hidden somewhere in the tavern. The writing seems hastily done and brutish, moreso than the last diary. However, it..
(This notepad was found seemingly hidden somewhere within the tavern. Its pages are crumpled, but most of it is still within reasonably good condition..
(The stack of paper sheets was found lying somewhere within the Weald. Blood is clotted and makes some passages unreadable. The writing style seems el..