my stranger, know this:on this earth and all others,our love is my home.
Under your sure gaze,I've never felt so naked.Your purposeful gaze.Perhaps you're not real...A muse sent by playful gods; An image. A dupe.Do not come..
we did this writing exercise and wrote down anything that came to mind while finishing the phrases "I remember...", "I don't remember...", "I am...", ..
I know things you don't.You're not as smart as you think.You smile at the thought.
I wonder if I could start to build bridgessoonwith the sand collected from our blanketand from the wind blowingthrough your hair.You point to the sky,..
i want to keep you in my hair.close to my mind,but a little safe from my heart,with me constantly.boundless.continuous.but unlike my hair,we remain th..
Time need not be rushed.There are things that can't be known.We are just people.
You and I are complicated.I like you and I think you're a littleinterested.But something's in the way.Is it pride? Fear?...of what?Love? --the idea of..
The only time I ever felt safe with youwas when we'd drive in your car.Riding shotgun beside youmade us equal.Right then our lives would seem all the ..