There once was a fat girl,she crawled out of her skin.After that she was thin.Still, she had no friends.She noticed one day,she was wasting away,as th..
Just another person who can't find their way out.
Something I think we all have, a constant wondering.
It just sort of happened.
It's actually about an actress who I can't get off my mind. I did not try to rhym it, as feelings about women seem butchered if I put too much effort ..
This isn't only about love, a lot of it is about friendships lost. The harsh words of my best friend often cut deeper than any partner could.
I don't know how I feel about this poem. In my mind it's not as good as I'd like, I prefer rhyming and flow, but it means a lot to me and might be the..
A little something about how I feel. I try to write mostly humorous things, but sometimes I'll spew something of this sort.
The woes of a playa.
I wrote this for the Hufu contest.