You spoke of
verses and audiences
as if their
size and number mattered,
as if the
volume of my proclamations
made a
I prefer my rhymes have meter,
have some power, somewhat neater,
have a thickness,
and a quickness
no haiku could ever do.
I ..
I tell myself to wake up, not break up,
Delusional muck plip-plop-plopping down my spine
Infiltrating the best of me with prejud..
You may not see it at first glance,
but I’m over one hundred feet tall.
Yep. I don’t exactly look it, do I?
I wrote this in the back of a notebook for a class last semester and just found it, so up it goes!
Do you ever think that words have sounds and colors and light schemes attached to them that are completely unrelated to what they mean? I do.
I found these in my purse the other day; random little poems I had written a while ago, probably at work over the summer. Rather than title each one ..
I tried to write a poem about you,
to express every emotion, thought, and feeling,
but all that would come out was "I love you."
Started a new job; written due to the smell outside when I left today.
Young lady walking twisted halls
of flashy, showy shopping malls
once stumbled upon a different store
with plain façade and tiny door.