The Silent Deviant

The Silent Deviant


Not everything needs a discrete meaning.

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About Me

Not much to say right here, I could spend hours talking about a simple topic. To keep it brief I'm a laid back guy that is generally really hard to upset.


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Posted 6 Years Ago

I have actually and literally for the first time in years revisited my account here on Writerscafe. I intend on doing a bit of a touching up on this account as well. I'll keep up my old posts, but discount them. They are irrelevant.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Okay! Took a lot longer to post that first chapter because hey guess what? I forgot it again >.<
Anyone who may be reading these I apologize to. I will try to pick up my game and keep up to date on chapters at some point, I swear! XD

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Blah.... been away for a long time now. I'm working on the first chapter of Tempest as we speak but I've been held up bad with the ending of this semester. Graduation and stuff is right around the corner. Figured I'd put this here for anyone who may be following my stuff. Chapter 1 for Tempest should be up soon.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

2 chapters down, another one coming up. As soon as I am in the clear with school work then I shall work on it. I'll have a chapter that follows Aftermath and concludes the silly, mushy drama. After that I will work on the earlier parts. Caution to all, this next chapter may be the ending to what I will call the first book. If you wish to read it chronologically then I don't advise reading what is up.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

First chapter is up, more to come. I have a piece I'm going to add after the first once that are right after one another.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

This is generally a new thing to do, but I intend on using this site to post shorts about a project I've been working on for awhile now. Look forward to seeing the first either today or tomorrow. Until then I'll have an about me post, and a brief disclaimer up in a little while from now.