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Eufaula, AL
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About Me

Ey. I'm Noey.

I'm 15 for about another month.

I'm the girl who walks hand in hand with ridiculous laughs and carries a notebook everywhere she goes. Everywhere.

Class of 2012.

In my spare time, I like to pretend I'm a superhero and sometimes sketch interesting little creatures.

I really adore people who love to be around me. They're the greatest because they make me feel special. (:

I'm really not like anyone. Besides me.

I love people who smile at me. I don't go around screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU GRINNING AT?!" Because we're here. And isn't that reason enough to open up your mouth wide and show your pearly whites to the world?

In a way, I fancy I'm like a hobbit. You can spend months with me learning everything about me and, every once in a while, I'll still surprise you.

I'm a writer. By the way.

I'm quite short. Like, I'm the person you glance at and think she's a twelve-year-old because she's so lacking in height. That means I have ridiculously tiny feet.

Skinny jeans are from heaven.

I love surprises. If you know me, you know giving surprises is my favourite.

I like people who are excitable and emotional -- people who cry when they're happy or randomly burst into some quaint little tune.

I'm not the kind of girl who needs a boy to keep her happy. Although, I love boys. They're great. I'm friends with much more boys than girls. But I love girls too. Some of them are really stunning.

My backyard is a miniature petting zoo. No lie.

I'm an over-analyzer, and I jump to conclusions without realizing it. So I need people to set me straight constantly.

I try to be happy as much as I can. (: Because I love making people happy. Happy people are unimaginably contagious.

Also, meeting new people makes me really really happy. Soo, you should talk to me. (:

***I used to write. A LOT. I don't do it so much anymore, but I'm making myself get back into the habit. I've made too many excuses for not doing it. If you threaten me to write, even if I don't know you, that's wonderful. And I love you. For real.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

- A Mayan Poem

This day there is a feast in the villages.
Dawn streams over the horizon,
south north east west,
light comes to the earth, darkness is gone.
Roaches, crickets, fleas and moths
hurry home.

Magpies, white doves, swallows,
partridges, mockingbirds, thrushes, quail,
red and white birds rush about,
all the forest birds begin their song because
morning dew brings happiness.

The Beautiful Star
shines over the woods,
smoking as it sinks and vanishes;
the moon too dies
over the forest green.

Happiness of fiesta day has arrived
in the villages;
a new sun brings light
to all who live together here.