Cinders ignite and fuel the burn
Singeing all but my body and mind,
Consuming our world, a passion
So deep and raw.
Do not fear the flames..
Why do I so violently flutterLike violet butterflies through dew?It can only be you.Gossamer touch, anticipationMust resist other sensationsThat I mig..
Turn the pages, turn the pages,Your next chapter awaits.Written out so carefullyIn blood, sweat and calligraphy.Look now, glance back, to things that ..
So here I am, a pen within my clasp,The sonnet’s skeleton behind my eyes;Countless dancing words evade my graspExposing all my weak attempts for..
I have heard the song of blossom and the old ocean'sdesire
And whispered ancient lore from under the guidance of trees
I have seen the moon scar..
Expression of the cruelty of young partners.
I wish I'd have met you years ago.I feel like I've been drifting through timeNever knowing what was mineEighteen years, so lost-Until you saved my hea..
A poem about what I thought to be young love. Obsolete now, of course.
Will you, Sir, oblige my tale?To make you gasp, it will not fail....I've heard things about the seaStemming from folklore, you see.After all, can we k..
A piece written when I was 15, which I came across recently and edited.