Consider The Sparrow
Here Jesus was walking alone along the Mediterranean Sea near Tiberius in the northern part of Israel and He offers seeds to some sparrows searching for food.
His Eyes On The Sparrow
Ever wonder why our Lord chose such a common little bird instead of robin or jay to illustrate such a profound truth? Everyone and everything God created is significant. So when Jesus was teaching He questioned His listeners, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God's sight" (Luke 12:6).
Sparrow is a name given to several species of birds found in the Scriptures. They ate grain and insects and gathered in noisy flocks. Sparrows would often build their nests in the eaves of houses, but were not driven away when they nests in the Temple (Psa. 84:3). These insignificant little birds were such social creatures that a lone sparrow was a profound and vivid symbol of deep loneliness (Psa. 102:7).
The Sparrow's Value
In the days of our Lord, sparrows were sold for a very low price. About less than a penny in today's U.S. currency. Those who were destitute and could not afford a descent sacrifice could bring a sparrow to the Temple instead (Lev. 14:1-7).
The sparrow is not blessed with outstanding plumage and is hardly considered by men. In fact they are so ordinary that men wont waste time to pause to look at them. Sparrows are not really worth much according to the world's standards.
So insignificant were these little birds that if you bought four sparrows the seller would throw in one more for free (Luke 12:4-7). It was this extra sparrow of which Jesus focuses and said, "and not one of them is forgotten before God." His care for His creation is so great that even this extra sparrow is noted and observed by God.
He Cares For The Tiny Sparrow
Sparrow's ways were not hidden from God's eyes despite their mundaneness. If God is concerned about the tiny sparrow and notes its fate, how greater must His concern be for man who are made in His own image and likeness, (Gen. 1:26-27) and whose value is immeasurably greater than the common sparrow!
We should remind ourselves that we are more precious than the sparrow. So precious that God lay aside His glorious position in heaven to pitch His tent among us and live like one of us. He so willingly offered His life and spilt His blood to save us (John 3:16).