Kat Gray

Kat Gray


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Montgomery, AL
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I was, am, will be, a writer. I have written stories ever since I can remember being able to. In second grade, I won a short story contest. In middle school and high school, I wrote out my demons, wrote more than I paid attention in class. In college, I tried to chase English away with Psychology, but then ended up spending 6 1/2 years studying our wonderful language and its literature. I am now the proud bearer of an MA in English, and a Creative Writing thesis that was the result of one of the most wonderful editors and teachers I have ever had.

I have a passion. For what? For lots of things. For life. Learning, reading, writing, politics, travel, animals, heavy metal, Ireland, medieval languages and literatures, roller derby, history, singing, meeting new people, paganism.

I have a wanderlust inside me, constantly questing for new knowledge, new places, new people. Everything is an open-minded experience for me, no thing too trivial to examine with a new pair of eyes. I am interested in what you have to teach me. I am interested in what I would see in the world through your eyes. I am interested in recording my impressions for posterity, though I hold no delusions that humble little things like that will ever turn into something with the renown of a Bronte or the complexity of a Joyce. Nevertheless, I write by compulsion, for addiction, for love. I wander through these hills to say what I have to say, and then pass on to my next destination, wherever that may be...


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

So bleak and barren.. I wish this page told a little about you.. Please add me to your friends list...

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Posted 18 Years Ago


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Posted 18 Years Ago