The Odore

The Odore


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Seattle, WA
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About Me

I've been a son of a b***h, and a monkey's uncle. I've tasted the blood of angels, and dragged innocent souls to hell. I've found charity in the deepest recesses of my soul, and challenged the most pious to a battle of faith. They've always been found wanting. I have ceased to be a man, and will become an ideal. I've given birth to a love that would dwarf your imagination, and have buried that love with the same passion. I've died a thousand deaths for you, and each one was an epic tale in it's own right. Sing my praises to your children, or curse my blood all the way to my most distant ancestor. Neither will change the effect I have on this world, and the denziens within it. I can tell the measure of a man, in the blink of his eye. I strengthen those that are weak, while I tear down the pillars of the strong. The tower of babel was built of my creativity, then crushed by my need to chastise. You are all victims, none of you are innocent. Not any more. Now that you know my name, it will uplift your dreams, if you embrace it. It will haunt your nightmares if you choose to doubt it. That is me. Feel free to challenge my words. I will take any comers. Be sure to bring whatever atrophied gods you carry in your breast. You will need as many saviors as possible


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Posted 17 Years Ago

As always, you know you delight me in so many ways. I relish your cynicism and your venom, your power and your manipulation of even the simplest of words into sculpture, into prose, into a semblance of a dream I swim through. I miss your play and your words. xox

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Funny you should say... I do miss ya.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, thanks for reviewing Florentino Ariza...

Always love your reviews.

I will keep writing them- but you better keep up on your part of the deal!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Oh Odore- Thanks for reading Even Though I Know, and thanks for making me smile, *sigh*. I needed that.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Where've you been buddy? Hope you're well............

L. Jane

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Posted 17 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for the reivew
well, like my friend hammy you are kinda reading the bio backwards but thats ok hehe, i can send you some more pieces,
so i took you with me huh? thats wonderful, i hope the rest is written as good, and im always pressing myself to do better,

thanks again

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Posted 17 Years Ago

And you of me... As I've said,
Not one for the cat and mouse game
catch and release
just to catch again
I think it's mean

Protect or not, you still have a gun in your pants. I wonder and dare to ask- is it loaded?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

And you of me... As I've said,
Not one for the cat and mouse game
catch and release
just to catch again
I think it's mean

Protect or not, you still have a gun in your pants. I wonder and dare to ask- is it loaded?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Ahem... Me? Dangerous? O Odore, aren't you the one with a gun in your pants? I'm just sayin...