The Ten Commandments of the Writer's Cafe (King Swine Version).
1. Thou shalt not plagiarize.
2. Thou shalt not treat badly any writer based on their age, social status, ability or creative views.
3. Read and thou shalt be read.
4. Thou shalt not create drama.
5. Thou shalt not make a nuisance of yourself advertising your works in the comments of others.
6. Thou shalt raise up the least among us.
7. Thou shalt not review others for the edification of thine own ego.
8. Thou shalt not solicit further readership in a "Thank You" message.
9. Thou shalt not circumvent turned off "Read Requests" via the PM.
10. God gave readers free will to read what they choose, thou shalt not trample the free will of other readers.
My Progress on "Reasonable Doubt"
<--- Microsoft Kate reads my poem, "The Lost Boys" in the widget below.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Visit My Website: Hello all. I simply cannot believe that I have neglected for so long to shamelessly promote my book here. Please take a moment to visit my site by clicking here and have a look. I'll be waiting for the flood of book orders. But all joking aside, orders excite me, but I like feedback too. If you would never buy my book, tell me why. If you liked or disliked something about my site ... tell me. I'd love too develop a "Top 5 reasons people won't buy this book" list.
Can't reply to messages on my phone. Anna is only a sophomore any time the school has a threat or a lockdown I sweat it. I feel for those kids and parents. I feel a little bad that I'm not working emergency dispatch anymore but I was always afraid to get that call.
I totally wasn't just lured here by flattery. I was lured here by other means and stayed and left reviews because of seeing all these new things to read...and... also the flattery. It's completely different.