Melina Lowe : Writing

I wish I knew the answer

I wish I knew the answer

A Story by Melina Lowe

I’m fully aware that one day I’m going to die, wether it’s my decision or not. One day I’m going to stop breathing, my brain w..
Speck in the Universe

Speck in the Universe

A Story by Melina Lowe

Have you ever just sat on your completely destroyed couch and just realized that you're just a speck in a forever expanding universe? That you're stu..
Day 1: Infestation

Day 1: Infestation

A Chapter by Melina Lowe

This is just a rough draft, please feel free to leave a review or comment about what you think
Long Time, No Type.

Long Time, No Type.

A Chapter by Melina Lowe

Alright, it's been a while. Your dude actually managed to get a job, please stop your applause. I realized I never told you dudes my name. I'm Aiden...