Tesla23 : Writing

The Puppeteer's Eyes

The Puppeteer's Eyes

A Poem by Tesla23

Eyes that follow me through my wildest fantasieswearing a silken stare cutting through my forsaken dreamsSquandering through the fogs of lifescavengin..
Broken Memories

Broken Memories

A Story by Tesla23

A man run froms his past
Her View

Her View

A Story by Tesla23

Her eye's blank as the winters snow, sat transparent in my view. I knew only one thing from the rotting corpse: that I would have my revenge.
The War

The War

A Story by Tesla23

We've Won!!!
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Tesla23

The crowd rushed through the skinny sidewalk, overflowing onto the industrious streets, walking side by side with the mechanical beasts. The crowd ..


A Book by Tesla23

A fiction story about John, a man who must help his dying father no matter what the cost.