Terry Collett : Writing

Mary and Her Letter 1965.

Mary and Her Letter 1965.

A Poem by Terry Collett

The pen leaked on the page; the black blob spoilt the look. You tore out the page of the writing pad and selecting another pen, began. The writing pad..
Joe's Moan.

Joe's Moan.

A Poem by Terry Collett

Life’s a drag;like a bookyou hope willget better,but of courseit doesn’t.You’re brain-washedto expectthat it will.It’s the tho..
Cynara's Note #36 1971.

Cynara's Note #36 1971.

A Poem by Terry Collett

A young woman's note about a day in a locked ward.
Magdalene and the Letter 1965.

Magdalene and the Letter 1965.

A Poem by Terry Collett

The letter was from her mother,a long-winded epistlemostly about her father,which she skipped,and how Martha’s motherhad been unwelland Martha w..
Fizz and Lost Love.

Fizz and Lost Love.

A Poem by Terry Collett

She liked the jazzon her hi-fi.She sipped her ginthinking of himtried not to thinkabout him, buthe came throughinto her mind,easing himselfinto her th..
Eddie One Wednesday Morning 1948

Eddie One Wednesday Morning 1948

A Poem by Terry Collett

Eddie waitedat the bus stopamongst others waiting.The sky was dull grey,cloudless and looked like rain.He inhaled on the cigarette,ignoring those arou..
Milka One Saturday Morning 1964

Milka One Saturday Morning 1964

A Poem by Terry Collett

I watched from my bedroom window as Benny rode away; he had a wedding to go to in the Smoke he said. My mother’s car came into the drive towards..
Elsie One Wednesday 1948.

Elsie One Wednesday 1948.

A Poem by Terry Collett

She found the areawhere they hadmoved to rather roughand the people notwhat she was used to.She had to go downthe steps of the flatsOne step at a time..
The Remaining Prepper.

The Remaining Prepper.

A Poem by Terry Collett

A man whose wife is in a care home with dementia, visits the seaside place they usually went together.
Lily and the New Shrink 1969

Lily and the New Shrink 1969

A Poem by Terry Collett

A woman in a mental ward has to see the new shrink