Terri Abasseth : Writing

Brushwood Tomes II

Brushwood Tomes II

A Story by Terri Abasseth

There's a pier next to the shipping docks where the cured barnacles clung and scoffed at their neighbors. Sons and daughters came to know their dads ..
Hollow Pursuits

Hollow Pursuits

A Story by Terri Abasseth

The turn-about baseball cap says, “I iron my own style into things that already exist.” The look of passive aggression states, “I d..
Brushwood Tomes                            1.

Brushwood Tomes 1.

A Story by Terri Abasseth

DirtKurtKurt Russel I walked with a wide side walk below. Above, a blotted out sky polluted with smog and humanity that shaded over the stars. Amber ..