Episode info: James is beaten up by someone that Sam hired. Cutter saves Claire from Sam. Cutter gets shot by Sam. Ford finds James beaten. James fal..
Episode info: James and Danielle have a heart to heart father and daughter conversation. Claire is taken hostage by Sam. cutter and Danielle meet. Bra..
Episode info: Josh shows up in town and meets Jenna and Ford. James gives cutter a Job Claire and Danielle have a chat. Claire finds out that her brot..
Episode info: Claire and James and Ford are taken hostage by Sam. Jenna is shot by Adam Ford. Claire shoots James by accident. Riley and Andrew meet a..
Episode info: James is held at gunpoint by Sam. Jenna tells her mother that she's pregnant. Riley And evelyn grow closer. Claire and Ford work togethe..
Episode Info: Tea tells Claire that Randy is dead. Ford and Sam have a talk about Claire. Sam tells Ford that he had sex with Claire. Brandon confront..
Episode info: James goes on a business trip to chicago. Claire and Johnny go to dinner. Randy is killed by Adam. Tea is kidnapped and held at a wareho..
Episode info: Claire tries to talk James out of having a shootout with Brian. Brian and James have a gunfight. Danny comes to town. Rex Gregory comes ..
Episode info: Claire kills Eddie for killing James. Jenna and Nicolas fall in love. Claire is shot. Randy wakes up from his coma. Landon and Brandon a..
Episode Info: Claire and James's house is robbed by Adam and Brian cramer and Jessica. James is shot and killed. Ford finds a shocking and tragic disc..