Mandie Malice : Writing



A Poem by Mandie Malice

Vaguely inspired by the song "Connect the Dots" by the Spill Canvas, as well as some pretty bouyant feelings. :)
A Vagina Duologue

A Vagina Duologue

A Poem by Mandie Malice

A very prose-y poem, about the sanctity of feminine friendship.
The Noose

The Noose

A Poem by Mandie Malice

I’ve come to the end of my rope. Grasped it between my fingers, Toyed with its rough, woven tendrils. Wound it about my neck in preparation. ..
Corsetry of Lies

Corsetry of Lies

A Poem by Mandie Malice

A pantoum. Probably my first real foray into form poetry. It's not a -strict- pantoum, because it's not directly adherent to form, but I think it stil..
The Visitors

The Visitors

A Story by Mandie Malice

This is sort of a rough beginning for something that was always meant to be more. I hope to one day soon be able to pick this bit of the bigger pictur..
Narcissus Defined

Narcissus Defined

A Poem by Mandie Malice

Narcissus, she stared into her reflection Kohl-smudged eyes delving into the depths of perception Wondering how she got this far How all came to ..
In Bondage to Luna

In Bondage to Luna

A Poem by Mandie Malice

He tied me to the moon. Took the strings of my heart, Bits of ephemeral soul normally kept guarded and safe And twisted and turned them, Fashio..