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n/a, n/a, Australia
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About Me

24 female from Oz.
Love to:
Play games
Watch & play sport
And so much more

I walk on a thin line in society where I choose not to:
Condemn or
Miss treat

... Others.

I am always good to listen to others regardless of age. I question everything that ever is was and will be. I have a way of understanding and predicting weather patterns better then the news with a strong sixth sense.

I believe in God, but not the man made God or the man made Bible, I think people use God as an excuse to be cruel to others of gods creations and take bits and pieces from the Bible without trying to fully comprehend it's meaning.

I believe human neglect of the earth.we live in will someday be mans undoing, where we.will pay the ultimate price for our greed and miss treatment of the planet and all that resides in her.

I don't believe man is the most intelligent life form in existence and to believe otherwise is extremely dumb and none intelligent of us humans.

And that will do for now....