Melinda : Writing

Cold, Man.

Cold, Man.

A Poem by Melinda

I swear I dont understand anything with a penis..


A Poem by Melinda

Yeah it's got a couple of bruises but.. ya know.. you can eat around them?


A Poem by Melinda

Things aren't always as grim as they may first appear.. but they usually are ..


A Poem by Melinda

Just a sweet little poem about my favorite time of year.. Thats it ..
The Knot

The Knot

A Poem by Melinda

UGH I can't think right now.. a;sldkfjsda;lkjf;lsakdjf;l
I, the possessed

I, the possessed

A Poem by Melinda

It sounds more dramatic than it is.. surprise surprise..
Without Having To Care

Without Having To Care

A Poem by Melinda

The thought of someone I loved dying used to terrify me as a kid, and now that it's happened I know that life goes on, but it's never the same.
So Damn Typical

So Damn Typical

A Poem by Melinda

I hate you internet.. no.. no I don't.. I'm sorry .. c'mere baby.. you know I love ya..
Shame In Waiting

Shame In Waiting

A Poem by Melinda

They say you can lead, follow, or get out of the way - but what do car commercials know about real life?

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