Same thing every day,Walking on a blank plain,Blank words from a blank face.I dreamed of being something else,But fell when I sawSomeone better than m..
Inspired by a poem I once saw. After I read it, I was fascinated with the way it meant something completely different when you read it backwards, and ..
I cannot write a poem.It’s simple, and it’s true.I cannot write a poem-Not for me, and not for you.I’ve been sitting here for hours,..
Don't make a compromiseOn who you are,Rounding your personalityTo the nearest half.Don't carve yourselfTo fit the mold,Just take off all those masks.D..
Few poets write of happiness-Not many I see, at least.Due to this, one might believeThat joy that most people soon receiveIs given the instinct to sim..
SometimesYou dig a holeTo admireThe world you know you cannot see.SometimesThose you hate mostAre the ones you loveWhen they help you through.Darkness..
A poem inspired by a friend who contracted cancer.
A reflection on the guilt of knowledge and the bliss of ignorance.