Ted Kniffen : Writing

The Least We Can Do

The Least We Can Do

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

The least we can do should be the Western mantra we are good at it.
Stepping Away from Winter

Stepping Away from Winter

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

Stepping Away from Winter Temperatures rise. After these long dreary days serious sunlight
The Richmond Candles

The Richmond Candles

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

The Richmond Candles Three candles rest on the mantle, seated there with gentle hands according to height and thickness. N..
Of a Certain Age

Of a Certain Age

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

Of a Certain Age What remains of the nighttime hunter but the long bow and prey standing still as night black on black in the sha..
After Two Years

After Two Years

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

strange days
Homeless Man Dies on Downtown Streets

Homeless Man Dies on Downtown Streets

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

happened this week


A Poem by Ted Kniffen

Snapshot Consider the story behind the picture. Whose finger on the button captured the image. What was the think..
Visit to the Chiropractor

Visit to the Chiropractor

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

never been
No End to Love

No End to Love

A Poem by Ted Kniffen

a thought


A Poem by Ted Kniffen

a series of Senryu