About MeOk what to write in the box??? Funny how we all love to write yet I find it harder to write about myself.
Well lets start with the basics, I'm 35 yrs old and obviously enjoy reading and writing or I wouldn't have signed up here lol. You can find me on Twitter as both @coffeeperkz and @tweetagrl. My writing style varies depending on what I'm working on. I know suffer from poor use of punctuation and occasional grammatical errors but I do try and apologize to everyone in advance. _______________________________________________ Pet Peeves: 1. Hate plagiarism!! its wrong and you know it. Stealing someones story and passing it off as your own is punishable. 2. Following someones story and they never update!! Hello don't leave us hanging. 3. Be a critic its OK, but don't be rude about it. It's unnecessary to be mean like the old saying goes if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. _______________________________________________ Almost all my writing has to do with the supernatural community in a variety of situations some new ideas some old and some rather far fetched. My novels are mostly written in a mature format please keep that in mind if you are underage. At present I have several novels in the works. I swear I have writers A.D.D. lol I always need several projects to keep me going. _______________________________________________ If your wondering what kind of books I like or are my favorite well there is just way to many to list. I read an approximate 300-350 books a year all in the Romance, Fantasy, Thriller, and Supernatural categories ranging from Teen to very Mature. So as you can see I cant possibly pick just a few out of so many. ______________________________________________ Anyhoo (yes I know it's not a word) I'm off to read and write. I hope you enjoy my work as I hope to enjoy yours! Cheers :) Friends |