About Me
Writing has always been my greatest hobby. The stories in my mind, I love to put down on paper. Am I a author, I don't believe so! I'm more of a storyteller. My editing isn't the greatest. However, I always try my best to make my stories flow. Would I like to be an author? Maybe, one day.
I started off when i was sixteen years old, writing down poems. When I was in a band, I wrote songs. When I hit twenty-five, my songs became short stories, and then those stories became novels.
I always had a passion for vampires, way before Twilight hit the big screen and The Vampire Diaries hit the small screen. I don't believe I'm writing vampire stories, because it's the in thing. They are my favorite monsters, ever since I was eight years old, and I took my sister's copy of Pandora's box, and tried reading it.
Now, I'm thirty-three, and writing is still my passion. I have a feeling it always will be. Even when I get frustrated, when I get writers block. Then again, doesn't that happen to everyone!