Tayler : Writing

Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes

A Poem by Tayler

There is no description, simply because I don't know why or how :) It's simply a poem
Rose Wars

Rose Wars

A Story by Tayler

Love has no boundaries. Not even for two people caught in a century old battle.
The Balance of Nature

The Balance of Nature

A Poem by Tayler

Everything exsists with an equal but opposite force. Newton was so very right.


A Poem by Tayler

A poem about life, about this world and what it's going to
Midnight Tango

Midnight Tango

A Poem by Tayler

A poem about love, dancing, and passion all under a sea of stars


A Poem by Tayler

Does every poem have to have a point? For this poem, you read it and decide the point :)
Starry Sky

Starry Sky

A Poem by Tayler

A poem about the beauty, the mystery, and the twinkling strangers that light our sky
Christmas is Almost Here

Christmas is Almost Here

A Poem by Tayler

It's simple and explains a simple holiday with simple words. Simply!
Life as I Know It

Life as I Know It

A Poem by Tayler

A poem about feelings of doubt and how they cloud the mind. Again nothing too difficult. Just something to pour my current feelings out.
A Gamble

A Gamble

A Poem by Tayler

A poem about how some people don't care enough about the loved ones who give them everything