Soon they will leave me- like my acquaintances, my Years!The embittered memories,like moments of yew-flower,May once in a while,if I will, rise again:..
To hide, to escape.With the cheaply-measuredweights of Tomorrowson my limbs,painted green-blue by the aching vengeance!I should hide - yes,hide in the..
In homeless, orphaned flocks,ravens chatter on skeleton-like branches:black bones, charred, about to cool!They spared not the chill shadowsof seasons ..
Even now, with the watchword of deliberate calm,The wandering clouds wander,three stone mountainswith their curved muscular ridgesGently spreading in ..
That the complex and organicinstinct-processes of the soul havethus come together and become influenceable,which are involuntarily integrated intothe ..
This year too there has been New Year's cheer,a boisterous, bohemian shower,Winter's busy, busy, busy,minute by minute, has suddenlyproduced its merci..
My wandering soul, like a fearful,diligent ghost, slept in my roomsomewhere yet it seemed inthe restrained chorus of nightmaresand stray rustles,tiny ..
Your nerves need a peaceful rest.Your body should have peace now,a harmonious balance.You yourself must have knownlong ago: tomorrow you will beconfro..
I have never receivedthe redemptive pardon of criminals.I was forced to lickmy stigma scars like a dog,until I was totally disappointedand totally dis..
Like an island where Time has stood still,and your expressive gaze penetrates likea scalpel into my kidney.Thy cheek in the reddish glowof thy cheekTh..