Do you see Dear, the twilight blood-red dragon petal is slowly covering the foams of the open ocean. The horizon is a light foam silk, as if it were f..
- Now it's going to be all about brainwashed rudeness! - declared Uncle Toni, the suddenly retired caretaker, a kind of in-house confidant to whom eve..
Mischievous child voices haunt the merry and perfect morning hour by hour, nervously fiddling with lightning knives between the six-story el..
One must first keep track of not growing up too soon! Stay a clown, a joking conductor for a lifetime like a gray and annihilated orphan among strange..
Misty grayness almost prepares the lights of dawn; a muddy, distasteful mass makes one more and more pessimistic. I put on my morning latte and try to..
The vigilant silver eyes of heaven look at me alone in the darkness that increases silence, in mortal time I burn the lanterns of candles, like the st..
" You know a little morbid that none of us have a tree alive anymore! " pondering my girlfriend, who was seen as beautiful, ..
I was once a snap of fun, naive childish self-forgetfulness, and happiness, and independent cheering. I did not speak and did not ask the hidden and f..
The 30-year-old man deliberately walked out in the last rays of the
breaking dawn, a little lonely, with his head bowed. His middle-aged parents
The moment it began to darken outside, his body was icy, frozen in fear. Like when a very small child is told by a seemingly stronger, so dominant par..