The stupid smell of carrion is now only growing its selfish self in us; more and more greedily, unscrupulously demanding; even our hopes - if they wer..
The flickering sliver of night light now encloses the pitch black like a looming, cracked lampshade. Outside, the brutal cold of winter, which wants t..
Something always gets in the way: your atomic bomb-tempered father is still threatened with a salty death. Would you confess to him your love of liter..
Someone is always born and dies somewhere. Somewhere, someone always has to go on a long journey, leaves someone on purpose, or just out of cowardice,..
You shouldn't be afraid now; Cheating, wild Cerberus are waking you up at night, troubled by nightmares, and you can't understand why the ordas-wind, ..
The interrogated Past always turns back faster, becomes a fugitive. Relentless recognition keeps him at bay, haunting him like a tamed shadow. Humilia..
On me - who knows why? -, blind, unfortunate clashes rage on and on. For me, simple complicated things turn out to be ill-fated. At any age, momentary..
It's like you're an increasingly shaky pillar of your own petty, pitiful ceiling; you still try to hold your uncertain future with your two palms. Do ..
You are standing on the penultimate rung of the ladder, looking at where you can still find yourself in this filthy, cesspool, hardly human, useless, ..
Out there, it's as if the crazy world welcomes you again. Dried-out ideas and thoughts that are doomed to be uninhabited no longer stick in the heads ..