At work, I sit in my cubicle, writing papers for my boss. I sigh, rolling my eyes at the screen. When I look up, I see him coming. I sit up straight a..
It doesn’t always result from physical abuse,Or from your enemies.No, it mostly comes from the one you love.I’m such a sucker for love,Pro..
You saw me,You fell.You fought for me,You won.You got bored of me,You left.
Of my Peter Pan series.
~Journal Entry~ Corresponds to "Mystery Boy"
Be careful who you turn your back on.
Be careful who you turn your back on.
Be careful who you turn your back on.
Everywhere,All over my body.But no way to get rid of them now.They are so ugly,Yet so beautiful,If you just listen closely To the stories they tell.
This is about my sister up above.