Tamela J. Gordon

Tamela J. Gordon


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Long Island, NY
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About Me

People that like proper PG poetry are Pu$$y.
-Tamela J. Gordon

I think I've been a bit harsher in my reviewing than we I first started. It does us all good.

The first seventeen years of my existence were hella brutal. The dysfunctional works.

April 9, 1982+me+25=me=old=f**k +/- no kids=no mens=no BAGGAGE
Something like that. I suck at equations.

Some interesting facts about myself as far as I'm concerned:

-Daddy asked me if I was gay this morning.

-April 26, 2007: I found $250 in 711. Two hundred dollar bills and a fifty. I hold the cash in the air for approximately 4 seconds, then whisper, "Is anyone missing anything?" Then I hopped in my car and took off like a bat out of hell! APRIL IS MY MONTH!

-I am the youngest of four, yet suffer from only-child syndrom. Each member of my family is of a different religion.

-I dumped my last boyfriend because I didn't like the way he said 'I love you'.

-I can put both my feet behind my head.

-I once accidentally mistaked nail glue for eye drops. In King Kullen (frozen food isle).

-I took off for Manhattan w/ $11, a duffle bag and a dream. I lasted little over a year in the belly of the ghetto's before swallowing my pride and returning home.

-During my stint in the Apple I hustled hardcore. I pretended to be a crackstitute in order to participate in drug testing for AIDS patients. When I'd come home to visit I'd brag to anyone who would listen, dressing up the elephant you could say, telling them I was deeply involved in East Coast AIDS research.

-I laugh more than anyone you'll ever know.

-I even post my s****y work.

-My nose is big. It is Denver; my nose is the size of a gynormous city. My nostrils put Hoover to shame.

-I give harsher reviews when I've had a bad day.

-I've been writing since i was six.

-I still don't know what a prose is but act like I do in conversations.

I'll be gracious enough to warn those who are turned off by potty poetry to avoid pieces like Feliz Compleano's (Mi espanol es muy malo!) and I'd Be a Liar if I Said I Wouldn't Do it Again.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

how are you?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

i love your feature piece. and i need to set time aside to do a proper review...i want to do it justice.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You sound like quite a character!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hi t. you remind me that i am sane and worthy of it. i have earned my existence from the vantage point of being specially appointed to the recieve a free coupon for 2thousand smacks upside the most balanced part of your head that should last a lifetime if rationed evenly mailing list. i took mine all at once, it was free after all. i have nothing to say lately, it is strange as i am one for speech. you cause my mouth to open and thoughts to fall out collecting upon the table in front of me which blocks my view. i am forced to write them down. i should thank you.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Your nose isn't Denver. San Jose maybe... lol (j/k... it's not big... SCREECH had a big nose).

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Nothing but love sis, got to keep the lines open.....One Love

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Tamela, how are you? Long time didn't see you.

Have a great day,

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the kind words on Blacksburg. I knew it would hit a nerve for some people when I posted it. I'm so glad that you and several others completely got it. The fact that people have come down on both sides, for and against me even writing this, to me means that I've probably done a good thing, provoked some thinking and discussion.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

i appreciate your work... i really like black girls drown a lot... you know, white boys drown sometimes too. thank you for the invitation to read your work.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you :D