The Turk

The Turk


The One and Only

Virginia Beach, VA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm a 15 year old boy and I love to write and get all my emotions out. A huge problem for me are brain farts. It usually take a long time for me to get out of it. I hardly think that my writing is any good and somehow I get good grades for the crap (my opinion) I write. I am constantly trying my hand at new writing styles but it just isn't working. I plan on sticking with more poems than my short stories because right now it seems like the only ok thing I write. For inspiration I look at the video games I play and the world around me. Within the next couple of days I hope to produce something which might be close to garbage but still it is something. Stay tuned for more of my work that people say is good but yet I think could be better.


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Sorry I have been having adventures of my own so I will have much to tell

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Posted 11 Years Ago

heyyyyyyyyyy stop having a life and write, aye?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

your writing's not crap. Stop being so negative. Just write what's natural for you, and it'll be good.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

yea hun cause I've been to mexico recently :P it was Israel