Anonymous Girl

Anonymous Girl


HI EVERYONE!!! :D I am so sorry if i havent been reading your books/poems/anything because I have been so busy.. But I will be back soon :) I Promise

Among Stars And In Universe
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About Me

I love writing. When it comes to writing and I hold my pen I start to write whatever comes in my mind.
I also like reading from which I got inspired and started to write different stuff.
I love pretty much everything and hate quite a few things.
Facts about me:
- I am a girl and I am 17.
- I love romantic, fiction and fantasy novels.
- I like poems but not that much but I love to write them.
- I hate jazz music and love all other kind.
- I have forgotten many times what I was going to say.
- Once I walked into walls because I wasn't paying attention.
- I am weird and an oddball (described by some of my friends and cousins!! XD)
- I can burst out laughing at stupid jokes when I find them stupid.
- I like to stay as who I am.
- I love silence but not when it is awkward!
- I love to have friends but unfortunately am not good at making one face-to-face as I am not a social butterfly.
- I am an imaginative girl.
- I have created my own dream world.
- I have so many dreams that won't come true, ever.
- I am crazy about nature.
- I have pushed on a door that said pull or vice versa (that has happened in front of people many many times!!!!:$)
- I love stars.
- I like to be tolerant.
- I hate racism and racist people!
- I walked into walls because I had my nose in a book.
- I haven't seen so much in my life like others and don't want to.
- I hate my life and my self at times.
- I am disliked by everyone when it comes to face-to-face.
- I am not a beauty.
- I have tripped going up the stairs (many times at various places... almost embarrassing moments!!!)
- I once stabbed myself with a pencil, accidently.
- I had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason.
- But most importantly, I LOVE GOD!!! And I believe that whatever He puts us through is just a test to see how much we believe in Him and remember Him. Don't forget: He loves us all no matter what!

So there we go; somethings about me. ^.^


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Posted 10 Years Ago

And I never got yours xD

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Oh ya, I always found that so weird... and confusing xD get with the Canadian systems xD

...Sure ;)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Lol, too late, it has been said ;)

Oh wow, that sound be fun xD Highschool, eh? That's... wow. You're awesome if you can do that! Ahaha.
And for me it is all ages.

And you know, you can message me too? xD We don't just have to keep spamming each other's pages.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Ya, there has been a lot of death around me lately >_< it isn't fun.

No promises! Lol. I probably won't.

Awh, that is so cool! What age group?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

He had a heart attack...

If you want to read it, do it quickly because I'm probably taking it down soon xD
And I want to become a radiation therapist (cancer treatment). What about you?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Oh that doesn't sound fun at all! I hope it gets better!

Um... Well, recently nothing. A teacher at my school passed away last week, so things have been hectic. Just had the funeral today, so things should slowly be getting back to normal I hope.
Other than that, I've been coming on here a lot more, started to write a new book and I have been getting ready to apply to university :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Ya, I am pretty bust with school too xD
I'm alright, really tired right now though, you? How have things been???

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Lol, eh, ya I guess so :P
Sorry, I completely forgot this place existed! xD

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Haha, sorry, I am waiting for a guy to give me a number and he keeps forgetting every time I ask, so -.-' Plus, it sucked, but oh well :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

That's fine, so have I, haha.
Fine, lol, but it isn't happening, so it doesn't matter now ;)