Tai Baker

Tai Baker


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Decatur, AL
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About Me

I've been writing novels, in various genres, since 2001. I've completed several novels but believe they are not yet ready for publishing ... until now!

I have dedicated myself to writing seriously and professionally the past three. That has resulted in the genesis of two series. My main focus had been on the "Double Trouble" series. Trash-talking identical twins sister, Evadra and Victoria Blackstone, a freelance photo-journalist team, seem to find trouble (and good-paying stories) at every turn.

I grew up in a very poor family in Missouri and decided to make a better lot for myself. And, for the most part, I've been successful. I write in several genres and use a different pen name in each, in order to not confuse my readers.

So, I'm pressing forward with my novel-writing and we'll see how that goes. I'm not easily deterred!


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Just submitted my first post to the site on 19 Dec 2015. I a going through a very serious medical situation right now, but will review other writers as often as I can. And thanks in advance to all who review my writing.
