ESSENCEI'm off the wallSlender and tallI'm sweet and kindWont leave you behindAble to trustFor anyone a mustMake you laughMight make a gaffI love to g..
BONFIRE WITH FRIENDSI want to have a bonfireIt is my heart's desireSometime in Spring or SummerDon't want it to turn a bummerWant something fun to loo..
NOT ALONEHaving a convo with a friendA little more than around the bendAlmost as though in the roomFades away a sense of gloomLends great moments of h..
A LOTI have a lot to giveLaugh, smile each day you liveI can crack you upI'm filled with weird stuffI was born mighty crazyBut memory is a bit hazyMak..
STRANGE CASE OF THE KEYSI walked on the elevatorDidn't see an alligatorSome keys lodged in the holeHope nobody stoleKinda took me off guardRight off t..