When cowards flee from the battlefield
With their tails between their legs
They carry their war
To unarmed men and women;
They turn their ..
Ain’t that the way it
always starts? -A simple round of conversationBecomes a subtle flirtationA suggestion, an invitation;Torturous tantalizat..
The world of cheques and balances
Has me quite beffudled
Where the line between business
And robbery, is muddled -
This murky world of dub..
You are;
My war, my peace
My golden fleece;
No ocean could keep me away from you
Nor Jason and all his retinue -
And I am as nothing to..
We live in a deceptive age
Where all of life’s a masquerade;
Where truth with untruth teems
And nothing’s ever as it seems
Lupe Fiasco's Japanese cartoon feat....me :)
All Sabotage/STSO
They’re watching over you,
They’re watching you -
They guard you while you sleep
Your shepherd-lords
With loving rods
Cities and Thrones and Powers
Empires and Countries and States
Rise and fall, and rise, and fall
On this increasingly barren earth
Where t..
Bodies gyrating
And undulating
Flesh upon flesh
Clasping and grasping
And grabbing, and groping
Watchers staring, and swearing
And g..
So you think you’re doing fine over there on cloud nine?I wonder, does it hurt when you come crashing back to earth?Come, hear about this bandwa..