
Don't correct their grammar, they use apostrophes for tears.

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About Me

Signed up to the Pledge to Civil Conduct in Discourse on Writer's Cafe: please challenge me if you think I am breaking either the letter or the spirit of the rules.

I try to review well myself (see below), and I know that it is easy to lose motivation as that effort does not always lead to reciprocation. However, if I see you write good reviews, I will check you out. Good reviewers have a tendency to be good writers -- because they clearly show that they know about the craft of writing. I will regularly update my reviewer hall of fame below with those who impress me. Please check them out, they deserve it.

I have not always been welcomed for leaving constructive reviews. Here is my stance on reviewing: we are all here to share our work and become better writers. This is an admission of our own imperfection.
You do not invite 'praise' for your work -- you invite reviews. You cannot expect me to like it in the same way that you do as the author, or to understand it in the same way you do. If you cannot accept this, please tell me to not click on your profile, or simply block me.
However, if my review is not constructive, please alert me and I will happily alter it.

Advice: if you want detailed critiques for longer pieces of writing, I would recommend This is a site where long and detailed critiques are actually rewarded (with points that allow you to post your own work for critiques). You are guaranteed to get at least three reviews for everything you write, but you have to spend the points you received from reviewing to do so.

Here is a recent example of my reviewing.

Reviewers who I've personally seen GETTING IT RIGHT:
tamsen grier, TL Boehm, Ben Walker, Trigorin, zoophagous, A.R. Elvira, Imara, Saint No-One, Poetic Justice, unsavable_soul, Storyworker.


Want to donate a review to charity? Please check out these under-reviewed works: 1, 2


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Further study has given me insight. Perhaps you're right to leave. Some people are so dense, hitting them over the head with the wooden board of truth makes little dent.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Haha, thank you! I've actually been writing nothing but nonsense lately, which I post on my DeviantArt account, but not here.

For some reason I feel this website is for decent writing, haha.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I feel like a cheerleader but, whatever. If you leave, they win. That's why I came back. Most people 'round here hate my ever-loving guts but, you know, I'm in the business of not giving a flying f**k.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I noticed that but I remember having a run-in with him before. He's not Norg, that's for sure, but he's completely and utterly lost.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Why do they keep calling you female? They must think you and I are one in the same but who in GID's name is this "S" person? I can't even imagine who they've conjured up, now.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

The exquisite beauty of a whopping train wreck is on full display. You have done a wonderful thing, here, TLK.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Well don't I feel terrible, bashing on teachers in a review. You shoulda said something, so I could of bit my tongue :P

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Posted 11 Years Ago

You fooled the algorithm. I'm rather impressed.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Haha, God forbid they have to actually read!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Haha, thank you. I've already turned away someone who just sent me seven. I reviewed four before realizing that this guy isn't going to offer any reciprocation. (And I have one poem up less than ten lines, how hard is that?)