The glow of my heart fills the room. It surrounds all that knows the sense of love. To know your touch is to know that angels exist. I kiss your lips ..
Be the change you want to see in the world. Aspire to inspire humanity to evolve. Always remember that you are the creator of your life. The Michael A..
There is something to be said about the soul of man. It seems that the heart and mind function separately apart instead of in union in synchronicity. ..
I'm standing at this fork in the road. I've been here before. Though the paths are unfamiliar, I've been here before. I blink my eyes twice for a reva..
I give you all of me and surrender my everything and love; I want nothing but your love in return. I present to you my troubles. I rest upon you my wo..
Give me faith so that I may see through the fog. Strengthen my faith so that I may hope for today and beyond. Grant me serenity so that I may accept t..
My heart pt2My heart. Beats with the sounds of life. It guides me to truth and justice. Filled with love, joy, sorrow, and pain. It shows me all that ..
My heartMy heart. Beats with the sounds of life. It guides me to truth and justice. Filled with love, joy, sorrow, and pain. Shows me all that is good..
The hounds growl at the moon's beacon call. The mist rises from the light of the moon.Thy surroundings creep far beyond the mind's insight. Tonight. T..
I have been looking for you. So vast and strong. I saw you in my dreams. So hard and strong. Not knowing you were right in front of me. Is it a sign t..