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Brampton, Canada
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About Me

Ohai. I'm Steven.
A large majority of the writing on here are lyrics, written for my band.
I don't know how to describe our genre, so why don't you check us out instead?

Please talk to me and get to know me because this little biography does not do any justice. I cannot possibly describe myself as accurately as I would like to, but here I go anyways.

Love is life. Love one another, or die alone.
Music is life. Rock hard or not at all.
Smash is life. Own or be owned.

I don't believe in a God. I believe in myself and myself alone. There is nothing higher than me that controls my fate, actions, or outcomes. I choose the direction of my life, and my actions are what create my consequences. I believe everything happens for a reason, but there is no such power that creates this reason. I think people who feel they have to believe in a God are actually too weak to believe in themselves. God's don't exist. You do. With that being said, I would love to have religious discussions with you. Grade 11 World Religions was probably one of the most interesting courses I've ever taken.

Recylcing and preserving the Earth is a big thing to me. I try not to drive unless I have to. I walk and bike almost everywhere. You should to.

Although you can like whatever music you want to, I personally think Emo/Scene/Pop Punk sucks. Being a musician myself, I'm tired of bands playing the same riffs, using computerized tracks more than instruments, whining into the microphone, and selling out using gimmicks to increase their fan base which is mostly made up by girls aged 10 - 16.

My favourite colour is red.
I have 3 Cats, a Dog, and a plethora of Fish.
I have 2 Sisters, a Brother, a Nephew, and Married Parents.
I'm a Nintendo fanboy to the end.
I'm still going to be playing Nintendo when I'm 40.
If you don't like me, don't bother.
If you don't like my friends, don't bother with them.
If you do bother, I'll bother you.

Despite whatever way in which I might come across, I'm a very friendly person. I give out my trust easily, which can sometimes be a bad thing, and I can't hold a grudge very well. I'm a lover, not a fighter, and I will try my best to include everyone in everything. I treat others the way I would like to be treated, which is probably the most important rule in existence. I love a girl who has recently fallen out of love with me, but I'll chase her to the end.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Dear Writer,

it is my wishes that you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Whether you have one or not, my words are always here to strengthen and encourage as a writer and a friend.

Happy Valentine's Day.

S. W. Scaggs

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Posted 15 Years Ago

May you have a safe holiday. Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

[send message]

Posted 15 Years Ago

WTF. I'm your "friend" twice on here. Weird. Very weird.