Tony Woods

Tony Woods


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Huron, OH
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About Me

"Working on leaving the living" - Modest Mouse (I'm kidding about the content of the quote, I'm happy with my life)

My name's Tony Woods, hence "T.Woods" if you still need confirmation, but I'm not going to make that a pen name or anything because I would consider it too pretentious. I like to write, my stories on here are all raw because they're all first drafts. I usually write them on paper and then type them, and sometimes I don't even proofread before I post, because I'm a lazy piece of crap.

I've taken a hiatus from the cafe, so right now I'm catching up, waiting to post some stories I'm working on. For now I'm just reviewing to make some new friends (and reviewing the old friends).

I am 21 years old, I just got out of the U.S. Navy, I'm currenly a student at Bowling Green State University


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Posted 15 Years Ago

hey tony. I've been good. Am going to UTD (University of Texas at Dallas) on a full ride scholarship (thank god, cause we can't afford college). Working at a biology major. Haven't written much, been busy. Sad but I may have to let go of it a bit, unless I make it a minor. I'm writing, just not as much.

But I've been pretty good. Moved to a new apartment closer to school, for almost the whole first semester I've been driving like 40 min there and 40 min back.

Haven't gotten the chance to go on the cafe much.
how you been?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hahah. You hit the nail on the head brother. That particular bullet point was extremely personal. Thanks for making me smile. (And they did mention me in the liner notes!)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

jesus, has it really been 2 years since I last commented on your profile man? How the hell did this happen?
well, I'm almost in college now, stuff sure has changed.
how you been?
and many, many thanks for the comments on my latest story.

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Posted 16 Years Ago myspace graphic comments
Myspace Hello Comments

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Posted 17 Years Ago

he tony, how you been?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

We should talk again! I get on only at school now! Im really busy and ya. thursdays are good when its A.R.T. (acidemic resource time) Sometimes Seminar is too if i get a pass before there all gone! Thats a time to see teachers and do what you need to get done in a short amount of time (lol) Well talk to you later and ill check this before school tomorrow. Right now its Seminar! On Thursdays we dont start school till 9. So i have till around 8:55 on Thursdays!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Actually no, I am a diabetic counselor

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm planning on becomeing a diabetic counselor, so I need the class (I'm juvenille diabetic, wanna teach kids how to deal with it)

and a writer/screenwriter on side. or singer, (i'm trying for american idol next year). Just get some money first since writing doesn't pay much at the start.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

haha, thatz funny.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

how'd the biology test go?