What happened to simple old me? : Writing

October scent

October scent

A Poem by What happened to simple o..

My company, you've been gone for some time. It's not as if I haven't thought about you, nearly having had you back at times. Where I hold the answer..
I'll be

I'll be

A Poem by What happened to simple o..

I'm feeling cheeky today ^-^


A Poem by What happened to simple o..

As the wind rushed gently through our hair, where long days, golden corn, andfresh opportunities, surrounded us.


A Poem by What happened to simple o..

You taint the tip of my life-source, bend around, your vicious uncomfortable tear. Close, sears pain through my mouth. Another day I wait, I'm l..


A Poem by What happened to simple o..

You remind me of my grandad, though he is not mine; a vacant relationship, give or take once anually, halved. The movement and your smell of smoke, a..
Street's light

Street's light

A Poem by What happened to simple o..

Take my link, I was caused to walk another way. Sideways, as if upside down. There, skipped, were hours. We three shook hands, though at differen..


A Poem by What happened to simple o..

What is it like to feel? Only rich sensations capture slightly my attention. A daring scratch upon my neck, then more as I venture home. Why wo..


A Poem by What happened to simple o..

3-D Experiment - Heartbreak


A Poem by What happened to simple o..

3-D Experiment


A Poem by What happened to simple o..

Nobody waits anymore. An incandescent ember hollowing a splint,of two lovers entwined forever more. Take theirtime lines, met and grazed,pass forth to..